Addy, the actor playing Rohit
Amin Gazi, who plays Farhan, without the spectacles
Sheena Bajaj, the actress playing Nikki
Freishia, the actress playing Sucheta
Aditya Kapadia who plays Ishaan
Atul Parchure, playing DLK
Left to Right: Rohit, Sucheta, Ishaan, Farhan, Nikki 
(below)Left to Right: Ishaan, Sucheta, the new Nikki(Jasmin A. Singh)

Internet of course! Aditya's one I got from another blog on Blogger. For Amin's pic I edited a poster of 'Tauba Tauba' in Paint. Freishia's and Aditya's I cut in Paint to make them smaller. Rest of them I got directly through Google Image Search.
^I haven't seen 'Tauba Tauba', but I've seen him in Lagaan as Tipu and in 'Hungama' as the Chai-boy. He's definitely NOT new to glamour industry! And I got Freishia's picture from Google Image Search. I searched for 'Freishia' and it was on second page. Link is:
Farhan is loooking so yuck!!!!!!!! Are you sure that's him?!
I know! Farhan looks a lot sweeter with spectacles. And in Lagaan you'll find him most clearly in the song Mitwa. I'll try to find their real ages, but Addy will be difficult coz the word 'Addy' is used in other places...Addy Awards, Addy the Daddy of the cool, etc etc.
i wnat to know from where do you ppl get these pics coz i dont find pics of these ppl anywhere on net
can u pls tell me the ages of all.
@Savi: Search in Google Image Search, you'll find pics.
@Devdatta:I can't find any of their ages anywhere, except Freishia. I agree, Freishia doesn't look 26!
thanks for the help!!!!!!!!!!
but just do me a work coz my computer is half fallen into virus just send me all the pics of them on my gmail address
any way thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey whoever are you(ciarox)just tell me the name of the blog you got adityas pics pleaseeeeeee is the blog and the page with Aditya's picture is:
farhaan ? yuck!!!!!!!!!!!
i like to see cia very much.
Rohit is looking cool in the photo.Suchi is looking beautiful.Ishaan is looking cute.Nikki is looking frightened in the phot & in Farhan's photo, it's difficult to recognise him(in their individual photos)
Farhan looks good in spectacles!
In CIA season2,Aditya is really looking very handsome and cool and his performance is superb.Addy is dazzling and Amin and Freishia are excellent.Jasmine has also done well...
i want sheena back...can some tell what happend to her....
Hi vijikrishna!!
And I'm not sure wat happened to Sheena. Maybe she quit coz of other assignments or her studies.
hi ciarox and everyone,
how r u all,okay isn't it?New CIA is becoming interesting.Aditya is looking younger in the new CIA,also Addy is really nice............
what is freisha's age?
what is freisha's age?
26 years or 27 years
Cool pics....I love your blog!!! You rule!!
hai you
cool pictures of cia
please don't stop cia telecasting on pogo
i am its daily viewer(either do my cousins,brothers & sisters
What happened Monica..y do u want sheena back?
I think Jasmine is the doing a great job
Hey CIArox!!
This is a cool blog....Keep up the gud work!!! Anyway do you knw Addy's age??
i think addy's age is age is 22 or 23....n u can typ his name as aditya singh rajput
n den there vil b google pages about him
iz der a cia grup on facebook???
R any of u gyzz on fb??
I m the biggest fan of CIA
I just love it.......
I like Suche
I m d biggest fan of CIA
CIA rocks............
CIA rock I never miss any show if I get a chance to met CIA I will take lots pics and some times I don't get range because I stay in dubai if you you need jokes and funny pics my email is ......
I gave my email address to CIA gang
I gave my email address to CIA gang
yo man guys u rockz
what is age of jasmine a singh ?
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