The mystery is up like this guys. There is a lonely tent in the middle of a dark forest with a guard guarding it. Two mysterious people burn the tent down. A cry for life of a man is heard from inside the tent. When the tent is burning, someone takes the toy Joker from there. So what do you all think?? Its certainly a mystery for CIA to solve!!
Then everyone gather at the headquarters. Suchi brings the joker there. Everyone looks at the joker saying its really cute to sing. Suchi tells everyone that the man was rather creepy. Farhan agrees and says that he was so rude that he stopped you. While everyone are discussing this, Suchi's cellphone rings. When she answers it a lady speaks saying that she is Mrs.Ganjawala. She asks Suchi to give her the joker for Rs.5,000. Suchi says no and asks whats its speciality that its demend is more. Mrs.Ganjawala says that she is emotionaly attched to it. She says that it was the last piece made by his father who is no more. Suchi says she'll think about it. Then Mrs.Ganjawala speaks in a threatening way that" If you dont give back the joker ".Suchi asks her what will happen if I dont give it back. She says that if you change your mind, just give me a call for this number. The all of them say its strange for everyone to have the joker. Nikki says Suchi that dont give it to anyone , please give it to me. Suchi says to forget it and as the gift is for her mom. Then Suchi leaves the headquarters.
At that night when Suchi was sleeping, someone enters Suchis bedroom and looks for the joker. In the absense of Suchi, he takes the joker from her. Right when he is ready to leave, Suchi wakes up and sees him. When she asks him who are you, he shows a knife and threatens her not to shout. Before Suchi could get his hands on him, he runs away with the joker.
The next day at the headquarters, Ishaan says that there is something fishy going on. First the old man, then Mrs.Ganjawala and now someone steals the joker. Rohit says that it needs to be either the man or Mrs.Ganjawala who must have sent someone to steal the joker. Farhan asks Suchi whether he could identify the thief? She says no but had seen an eagle on both the sides of the knife that he had. Farhan says that the symbol belongs to The Royal Family Of Cambala. Again everyone say that it must be one of the two of them. But they think how to get in touch with them. So, Ishaan and Suchi plan to go to Mrs.Ganjawala's house. The fact is that if she already had the joker, she would'nt entertain them. So, they go there. Suchi locates the same black scorpio van of the man at the Paramount Antique Store.Both of them overhear Mrs.Ganjawala and the man talking. Mrs.Ganjawala was on the phone with someone. Ishaan quickly takes out his voice glancer and starts recording their conversation. They say that their boss is very angry and wants the joker back. Ishaan says that its clear that they did'nt steal it. Suchi wonders who was on the phone.
So they both enter her house. Mrs.Ganjawala praises Suchi that she had made an intelligent decision by coming to the house. But Suchi says that she doesnt want money for the joker but a antique piece from her in exchange. So according to their plan Ishaan asks where is the bathroom and goes upstairs into a room. While Mrs.Ganjawala shows Suchi all the antique pieces from her collection, Ishaan gets inside a room and starts searching the drawers and cupboards. Downstairs Suchi will be seeing all the antiques. Then Ishaan finds a book named The Royal Family Of Cambala. He takes that with him. Mrs.Ganjawala asks Suchi what is taking your friend so long. Then Ishaan comes down. Then Suchi tells her that she doesnt want to destroy her beautiful collection of the antiques and agrees to take the cash. Then when they return without giving the joker Mrs.Ganjawala asks them where is the Joker. Suchi tells that she will give it to her tomorrow evening. She reminds Suchi not to forget to give the Joker the next evening.
Then Nikki, Rohit and Farhan go to Shrini's Oficce. Farhan says that the Palace is also where the Trustees come and go. Its the King's place. Rohit says that Arjun Singh would have taken advantage of the caretaker of he King. And he also says that who would have burnt the tent with the King alive in it. Suchi and Ishaan arrive at Shrini's Office. Ishaan says that Ganjawala is just a trustee and their boss is Arjun Singh. So Shrini takes all of them to the palace.
There a man and some guards will be standing. Shrini introduces all the five of them to Rithu Raj Singh saying that they all have come to the palace to learn about the history of it. Rithu Raj Singh agrees to that and takes all of them to Palace. While entering Arjun Singh stops them saying that it is Palace rules that outsiders should'nt enter. Rithu Raj Singh protests that all of them are my guests and there shall be no problem in that. Rohit murmers that " The old man is very angry". Arjun Singh gets angry. Suchi tries to calm him down by saying "Good day Sir". Then everyone walk in. Inside the Palace Ishaan asks everyone to split into 3 groups. So Suchi and Rohit go one side, Ishaan goes another side and Farhan and Nikki follow Rithu Raj Singh. Nikki sees a painting of the sky with sparkly stars. Farhan says that it must be very expensive. Rithu Raj says that it was King's favourite painting. On the other side Suchi and Rohit meet a guard names Rajvir Singh. He says that he was a hunter. And they see that he had wounded his leg. Suchi questions him whether he was with the Raja when the tent got fire. The guard says no. Rohit tries Ishaan's cell phone. When Ishaan tries to enter a room, suddenly Arjun Singh comes and stops him from entering the room. Arjun Singh says with anger that all these kids are really troublesome.
Then everyone gather at Shrini's Office. Ishaan says that when the Joker sang the song his cell phone was disturbed that day. Suchi says that even the computer was disturbed that time, even when she was speaking to Mrs.Ganjawala and at the palace when Ishaan was talking through the cell to Rohit. Rohit says that the signal from the electronic devices must be interrupted from the Joker's signal. So Shrini gives them the address of thr Newspaper Mork where they can find old newspapers of Cambala. Shrini says that they might get some clue there.
He also gives them a card saying all the information will be available here. So they go there. They find so many newspapers stacked up in steel shelves. Farhan finds the newspaper they wanted. The headlines read " Guard missing after king's death ". So Suchi explains that Rajvir was with the Raja when the tent got fire. But all of them wonder lied.
So they go to Rajvir and ask him why he had lied to them. Rajvir says that some people threatened him to set fire or else they would kill my family. Rohit asks whom were they. Rajvir replies that he hadnt seen them. Then Ishaan says that Suchi's Joker was King's favourite Joker and wasnt just a toy. It also had some connection with the king's Will.
So Rohit disguises as a Guard. A sound of something exploding comes and Rohit sends the rest of the Guard to find out about that. So there would be no one around and all of them go inside the Palace.Next Ishaan goes inside the same room he saw that day. He searches the drawers, cupboards and below cot but still he wouldnt find the Joker. Then suddenly a Guard enters that room. He will not find anyone in sight, so he leaves th eroom. Then Ishaan gets up from beside the cot, where he was hiding and looks around. When he taps the carpet, a sound comes. So he removes the carpet. He will find some blocks of wood. Inside those blocks will be the Joker. Then Ishaan takes the Joker and informs Suchi that he has located the Joker.
All of them sit down in the lawn of the Palace. Farhan says that the Joker's eyes twinkle similar to the painting of drk shy with shining stars.Suchi finds out the connection. So Ishaan takes the Joker near the painting and it starts to sing the song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". Ishaan explains that it is 'Imparment Rays'. The Painting moves and a loker opens. Ishaan tries to open the lock with a Skeleton Key that can open any lock. It opens and inside they would find the King's Will. Arjun Singh comes and tells that " You kids are way smarter than adults. But you dont know the amount of life that would have gone for this. You kids have prevented it. Now give me the paper". Rithu Raj Singh comes and tells them not to give him the Will. Nikki runs to Rithu Raj and asks him to save them. Ishaan reads the Will and asks Nikki to move away from him. He says that he is dangerous and the King's Will is for the Trustees, not for him. Rithu Raj places a knife and threatens to kill Nikki if they dont give it back. He confesses that he was the Unknown master who asked Rajvir to set fire to the tent and made a man steal the Joker. He asks it back. Rohit asks whether the Will or Joker to give back. He again threatens to kill Nikki. Rohit throws the Will to him and Nikki runs back to Ishaan. Then Arjun Singh and Rithu Raj Singh fight.
Shrini comes with the Police and arrests the rightful person - Rithu Raj Singh. Then all of them regret their mistake to Arjun Singh. But Rohit says that we wouldnt have suspected you if you spoke politely. Suchi says that " A smile can win millions of hearts". And Rohit apologizes for calling him 'Angry old man". At last everyone say cheese and Ishaan takes a photo of the whole gang!
Guess what? Its Suchi's mom's birthday and all the CIA members sit on the beach wondering what to buy as a gift. Nikki , Suchi and Ishaan sit on the sand while Rohit and Farhan sit on top of a boat on the shore. Farhan suggests Suchi that she can plan a surprise party. But Rohit says that he'll take her to a shop where there is a huge discount. But Suchi says that she want to buy something really special and unique like something that has a legend behind it. Ishaan says that a antique pice will be a great gift and he can browse the net to find the shops. Suchi agrees. Farhan tells Suchi to go to Paramount antique store. Farhan explains the route Suchi. As Farhan tells a long route, Suchi isnt able to follow and leaves the beach rather confused.
Suchi goes to Paramount Antique Store. The employee there asks Suchi whether he could help her. Suchi says that she is looking for a b'day gift for her mom.He shows some antiques. First he shows a Japan antique for Rs.20,000. Suchi denies it. Then he shows a Taj Mahal for Rs.2,000. Suchi doent seem to be interested in that either. Then finally he shows a toy clown that sings a song and is really cute. He tells Suchi that her mom will like it. He says that it is Rs.500. Suchi makes a fair deal and takes the clown. Then a black scorpio van arrives at the store and a man gets down from it. He enters the shop and asks the employee where is Sharma ji. Sharma ji comes and the man asks for his stuff. The employee asks whether it was th singing clown. Sharma ji says yes. He says that he just sold it to a girl. They both scold him. The employee protests that whatever is in the shop is for selling. Then the man starts to follow Suchi. At a point both of them stop. Suchi asks him why he was chasing her. He tells him that the toy clown doesnt belong to her. He asks Suchi to give back the toy clown and take the money back. He threatens Suchi but Suchi denies to give it back. The man tries to pull the doll . During that dispute DLK comes that way and enquires about the situation. Suchi explains him.The man asks the toy back. DLK tells the man that its not your age to play with toys. He says that it belongs to him. DLK asks Suchi to give it back. Suchi tells that she bought it. He protests that he just gave it for repairs and the man sold it to her. Suchi tells that she paid for it.
Then everyone gather at the headquarters. Suchi brings the joker there. Everyone looks at the joker saying its really cute to sing. Suchi tells everyone that the man was rather creepy. Farhan agrees and says that he was so rude that he stopped you. While everyone are discussing this, Suchi's cellphone rings. When she answers it a lady speaks saying that she is Mrs.Ganjawala. She asks Suchi to give her the joker for Rs.5,000. Suchi says no and asks whats its speciality that its demend is more. Mrs.Ganjawala says that she is emotionaly attched to it. She says that it was the last piece made by his father who is no more. Suchi says she'll think about it. Then Mrs.Ganjawala speaks in a threatening way that" If you dont give back the joker ".Suchi asks her what will happen if I dont give it back. She says that if you change your mind, just give me a call for this number. The all of them say its strange for everyone to have the joker. Nikki says Suchi that dont give it to anyone , please give it to me. Suchi says to forget it and as the gift is for her mom. Then Suchi leaves the headquarters.
At that night when Suchi was sleeping, someone enters Suchis bedroom and looks for the joker. In the absense of Suchi, he takes the joker from her. Right when he is ready to leave, Suchi wakes up and sees him. When she asks him who are you, he shows a knife and threatens her not to shout. Before Suchi could get his hands on him, he runs away with the joker.
The next day at the headquarters, Ishaan says that there is something fishy going on. First the old man, then Mrs.Ganjawala and now someone steals the joker. Rohit says that it needs to be either the man or Mrs.Ganjawala who must have sent someone to steal the joker. Farhan asks Suchi whether he could identify the thief? She says no but had seen an eagle on both the sides of the knife that he had. Farhan says that the symbol belongs to The Royal Family Of Cambala. Again everyone say that it must be one of the two of them. But they think how to get in touch with them. So, Ishaan and Suchi plan to go to Mrs.Ganjawala's house. The fact is that if she already had the joker, she would'nt entertain them. So, they go there. Suchi locates the same black scorpio van of the man at the Paramount Antique Store.Both of them overhear Mrs.Ganjawala and the man talking. Mrs.Ganjawala was on the phone with someone. Ishaan quickly takes out his voice glancer and starts recording their conversation. They say that their boss is very angry and wants the joker back. Ishaan says that its clear that they did'nt steal it. Suchi wonders who was on the phone.
So they both enter her house. Mrs.Ganjawala praises Suchi that she had made an intelligent decision by coming to the house. But Suchi says that she doesnt want money for the joker but a antique piece from her in exchange. So according to their plan Ishaan asks where is the bathroom and goes upstairs into a room. While Mrs.Ganjawala shows Suchi all the antique pieces from her collection, Ishaan gets inside a room and starts searching the drawers and cupboards. Downstairs Suchi will be seeing all the antiques. Then Ishaan finds a book named The Royal Family Of Cambala. He takes that with him. Mrs.Ganjawala asks Suchi what is taking your friend so long. Then Ishaan comes down. Then Suchi tells her that she doesnt want to destroy her beautiful collection of the antiques and agrees to take the cash. Then when they return without giving the joker Mrs.Ganjawala asks them where is the Joker. Suchi tells that she will give it to her tomorrow evening. She reminds Suchi not to forget to give the Joker the next evening.
Then Nikki, Rohit and Farhan go to Shrini's Oficce. Farhan says that the Palace is also where the Trustees come and go. Its the King's place. Rohit says that Arjun Singh would have taken advantage of the caretaker of he King. And he also says that who would have burnt the tent with the King alive in it. Suchi and Ishaan arrive at Shrini's Office. Ishaan says that Ganjawala is just a trustee and their boss is Arjun Singh. So Shrini takes all of them to the palace.
There a man and some guards will be standing. Shrini introduces all the five of them to Rithu Raj Singh saying that they all have come to the palace to learn about the history of it. Rithu Raj Singh agrees to that and takes all of them to Palace. While entering Arjun Singh stops them saying that it is Palace rules that outsiders should'nt enter. Rithu Raj Singh protests that all of them are my guests and there shall be no problem in that. Rohit murmers that " The old man is very angry". Arjun Singh gets angry. Suchi tries to calm him down by saying "Good day Sir". Then everyone walk in. Inside the Palace Ishaan asks everyone to split into 3 groups. So Suchi and Rohit go one side, Ishaan goes another side and Farhan and Nikki follow Rithu Raj Singh. Nikki sees a painting of the sky with sparkly stars. Farhan says that it must be very expensive. Rithu Raj says that it was King's favourite painting. On the other side Suchi and Rohit meet a guard names Rajvir Singh. He says that he was a hunter. And they see that he had wounded his leg. Suchi questions him whether he was with the Raja when the tent got fire. The guard says no. Rohit tries Ishaan's cell phone. When Ishaan tries to enter a room, suddenly Arjun Singh comes and stops him from entering the room. Arjun Singh says with anger that all these kids are really troublesome.
Then everyone gather at Shrini's Office. Ishaan says that when the Joker sang the song his cell phone was disturbed that day. Suchi says that even the computer was disturbed that time, even when she was speaking to Mrs.Ganjawala and at the palace when Ishaan was talking through the cell to Rohit. Rohit says that the signal from the electronic devices must be interrupted from the Joker's signal. So Shrini gives them the address of thr Newspaper Mork where they can find old newspapers of Cambala. Shrini says that they might get some clue there.
He also gives them a card saying all the information will be available here. So they go there. They find so many newspapers stacked up in steel shelves. Farhan finds the newspaper they wanted. The headlines read " Guard missing after king's death ". So Suchi explains that Rajvir was with the Raja when the tent got fire. But all of them wonder lied.
So they go to Rajvir and ask him why he had lied to them. Rajvir says that some people threatened him to set fire or else they would kill my family. Rohit asks whom were they. Rajvir replies that he hadnt seen them. Then Ishaan says that Suchi's Joker was King's favourite Joker and wasnt just a toy. It also had some connection with the king's Will.
So Rohit disguises as a Guard. A sound of something exploding comes and Rohit sends the rest of the Guard to find out about that. So there would be no one around and all of them go inside the Palace.Next Ishaan goes inside the same room he saw that day. He searches the drawers, cupboards and below cot but still he wouldnt find the Joker. Then suddenly a Guard enters that room. He will not find anyone in sight, so he leaves th eroom. Then Ishaan gets up from beside the cot, where he was hiding and looks around. When he taps the carpet, a sound comes. So he removes the carpet. He will find some blocks of wood. Inside those blocks will be the Joker. Then Ishaan takes the Joker and informs Suchi that he has located the Joker.
All of them sit down in the lawn of the Palace. Farhan says that the Joker's eyes twinkle similar to the painting of drk shy with shining stars.Suchi finds out the connection. So Ishaan takes the Joker near the painting and it starts to sing the song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". Ishaan explains that it is 'Imparment Rays'. The Painting moves and a loker opens. Ishaan tries to open the lock with a Skeleton Key that can open any lock. It opens and inside they would find the King's Will. Arjun Singh comes and tells that " You kids are way smarter than adults. But you dont know the amount of life that would have gone for this. You kids have prevented it. Now give me the paper". Rithu Raj Singh comes and tells them not to give him the Will. Nikki runs to Rithu Raj and asks him to save them. Ishaan reads the Will and asks Nikki to move away from him. He says that he is dangerous and the King's Will is for the Trustees, not for him. Rithu Raj places a knife and threatens to kill Nikki if they dont give it back. He confesses that he was the Unknown master who asked Rajvir to set fire to the tent and made a man steal the Joker. He asks it back. Rohit asks whether the Will or Joker to give back. He again threatens to kill Nikki. Rohit throws the Will to him and Nikki runs back to Ishaan. Then Arjun Singh and Rithu Raj Singh fight.
Shrini comes with the Police and arrests the rightful person - Rithu Raj Singh. Then all of them regret their mistake to Arjun Singh. But Rohit says that we wouldnt have suspected you if you spoke politely. Suchi says that " A smile can win millions of hearts". And Rohit apologizes for calling him 'Angry old man". At last everyone say cheese and Ishaan takes a photo of the whole gang!
thanx, janani.pls post the mystery next to the mystery of the missing cricketer.i did'nt see it bcoz lights did'nt come from 6:00pm to
7:30pm on that day.pls post that mystery pls............
heyaz....... sorry even i didnt c issing cricketer cuz no current here also
hai janani, ciarox.pls post yesterday's(19/07/2008) mystery.pls.........
hey vaarija i have the notes for it, next week our cycle tests r also starting....... so ill try ma level best to complete it.
hey, i saw today's mystery.it's super.pls reply.......
hii..today's mystery waz superb...rohit n farhan looked rele weird but funny in their cameramen disguise!!!mystery of the talking mummy rocked!!..and the preview of the next mystery shows tht sumthing interesting is on its way again!!!=)
the mystery of the talking mummy rocks
anyone tell me what's today's mystery.pls........i didn't see it.
Yesterday's (2.8.08) mystery was 'Framed'.
Is'nt "framed" a strange name? I mean other mysteries had their title as "mystery of the ----" but this one is just "framed". Quite ?strange.......
heyy..waznt yesterday;z mystery awesum??n u kno wat guyz..if u remember in da last season the bank robbery had been associated wd da art house where vickina hid..n this time too,the bank robbery waz connected wd arts..coincidence naa?;)
The mystery was FABTASTIC!!!
HA! HA! that's a mix of fabulous and fantastic...FABTASTIC!!!
If anyone reads this comment then pls note:
* i had asked for the full update of a mystery...maybe a montha or so ago...what about it???????????
:-0 ?????
PLS hurry up if possible...
:) !!!!!
hai guys,happy independence day.
reruns???? and cia season3 won't b there.it's really a bad news 4 me
hai reeti n janani.pls write atleast a short update of the "mystery of the walking dead man" and "framed!"
hai,guys.yesterday (that is on 06/09/2008)i saw "mystery of the invisible thief part-III"
at 11:00pm.
hai vaarija......
im maria {u know}ystrday {06/09/08}
i waited soo long but no cia.......
y was it on 11 o clock??
i hate when dat happenz
hai reeti n janani.r u both coming to this blog or not.pls plz plz ........ i want your reply.
hey palamarti...
im working on the mystery..[the one in wich the name wasnt shown]...it'll be ready soon with sum new pics..of CIA
hai,guys.yesterday i saw cia season 1 "mystery of the missing kid part-III" n "mystery of the bank robbery part-I" at 11:00 pm to 12:00pm.why don't they telecast it at 6:00pm or 7:00 pm.i'll request them about it.if anyone reads this comment pls u too make a request to them.pls.........
pogo e-mail id: mad@pogo.tv
hai,guys.i saw "mystery of the bank robbery part-II"on sunday at 11:pm.but i didn't see it fully.
Really It's D'Day..!!! I mean the day CIA2 started but an year back...Can't forget this day in my life and 14th June became one of my most memorable days in my life... Really Luv CIA more than my Life..! A SALUTE TO CIA..!!!
I love your show :) i want to be a part of your team and solve mysteries
How to see this episode
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