The mystery begins with all CIA members getting threat notes. (except Nikki...Ishaan's was probably meant to warn her, too). Ishaan, Suchi and Rohit are discussing their notes at HQ, when they hear a sound. On going outside, they find one of Ishaan and Nikki's neighbours - Rahul a small kid who want to join CIA. The CIA doesnt agree, saying he is underage, when Farhan comes. Someone tried to kill him by push a pot from terrace over him, while he was getting onto his cycle. There was a threat note inside the pot. When Ishaan asks Rahul, he says he didnt do it. Next day while coming back 4rm school a tempo van tries to kill Ishaan. he falls down and rolls over to save himself. He uses sum form of a shooter to attach a bolt-kind-of-thing to the tempo. Then Farhan & Rohit come and help Ishaan. Rohit manages to note down the tempo no. The CIA next go to Shrini, seeking the tempo's owner. Shrini calls and find the owners name. The owner turns out to be a famous person in Cambala. Then all of them go to DLK. He and CIA go to the owner (the person was a pretty big businessman or sumthing, so help from police was required, and DLK is the easiest guy to bamboozle!!).
The man, Mr. Vohra, says there was nothing like that could have happened for that certain tempo is damaged completely. He shows them the tempo at the garage as proof. The mechanic assures them all that the tempo is not in a condition to drive, even. DLK and the owner blame CIA. Ishaan suddenly remembers the bolt-sort-of-thing he shot at the van. He checks the van and finds it there. Ishaan is now confirmed that its the same tempo that tried to run him down. He overhears the mechanic talking to someone abt the police coming there and also warning that person. The mechanic also talks about the money due to him. Back in HQ, everyone discusses about who the attacker might be. Nikki suggests it might be old enemies who went to jail through cases that CIA solved. The idea appeals to everyone and Suchi uses some sort of technology and finds out that there are 9 such people who may be wanting revenge AND may be free to do it. Then Nikki goes to DLK to find out which of those 9 people have escaped from jail. DLK refuses to tell her. So Nikki pretends to call Rohit and tell him that DLK doesn't know anything...then she pretends to get the news from Rohit that the case is about to be solved and DLK's promotion will be cancelled again. DLK gets alarmed and agrees to help her and tells her the names of 5 people, Vickina, Mogaveer, Koiba, Pandey and one more person.
Suchi says Shrini might be able to help them find out who it is. Next day, Nikki gets a phone call frm Suchi telling her to meet at the same spot as the previous day. Nikki goes there and the Ishaan, Rohit, Farhan go to Shrini's office. But the call was a trap and the attacker tries to kidnap Nikki when she goes to that spot. Meanwhile Suchi comes to Shrini's office, apologising for being late, and the five (CIA 4+Shrini) discover the phone was a fake. Suchi suspects Vickina of being the attacker, as she's the only woman among the suspects. Shrini and CIA go to the spot where Nikki and Suchi had met the other day, and they find Nikki running away from the attacker after giving him (for it WAS a him) and his helper some good karate punches! Nikki is saved and the CIA return to the HQ. Farhan says that the villain is so clever he knows everythin abt them and says he might be watchin them even now. So the five then use Ishaan's secret door (another gadget!) to get out, to keep the attacker in dark about their meetings. Rohit says he'll be a little late next day coz he needs to repair his cell. The remaining four meet at HQ the next day and find the code that the villain has been using to kill them. They discover that the villain is attacking one of them everyday, at the time corresponding with their date of birth, and in alphabetical order.
Farhan, Ishaan and Nikki have been attacked, so it's Rohit's turn that day! And his birthday is on the twefth and the time is 11:55hrs....Rohit's gonna be attacked in 5 minutes!! Suchi tries to call but his cell phone doesn't work and his mom picks up the landline and says he has left. on the way , wen Rohit was coming, he cs that the road is blocked by some branches. wen he pics the up,a knife cums throwing at the branch( it will b da same villain of the CIAS first mystery Crossword.) the villain chases rohit, he escapes and reaches the ware house. there he tells evrything to da CIA gang. then the next day it was Suchis turn. the plan to catch the villain. at the next night, villain coms 2 suchis house. she pretends to read book in balcony, then goes inside house. (shadow will be seen like suchi is walking and reading inside da house. but it will be Ishaans idea of a gadget.) the villain aims and shoots. and wen he tries to escape DLK and police come and surround him. he tries to get out but he is caught. then at da ware house Ishaan explain abt the walking shadow. the they find a cover written- " to CIA". they open it and find many photos taken during the mystery. Rahul comes and says that he took those photos and he is capable of being in CIA. Everyone laughs.
THE END (some editing is left)
hey guys, the mystery is'nt solved yet, vickina had called up Nikki, what happened to her????
where is the continue of Mystery of the Mistaken Identity (Written)
Vickina didn't call Nikki. Probably Mogaveer himself. In girl's voice. If Rohit can do it, why can't he?
hey guys, they are re-telecasting cia 2 on sundays from 12:00 to
1:oo pm
Ya Palamarti,u r right.I switched on the tv today and saw that the ashram mystery was going on.I am sooooooo....... happy.I wont b able 2 see it on saturday as light wont b there 4rm 5.45 2 8.30pm
Hey CIArox! remember me? Sorry that I was inactive for a longgg time coz I was not in India, I went to Oman & Dubai to spend my vacations. But now I'm back & I'm very, very, very HAPPY that CIA's back!!! Hav u noticed that it's production's changed! Now it's not produced by Contiloe Films. Did u like Jasmine? or Sheena was better? Anyway, I'm quite excited for next saturday!
Hi Devdatta!! It's so good to have you back! Lot's more people have commented, but things aren't same without you, of course!! WELCOME BACK!!!! And what do you think of the CIA 2 mysteries...if you have seen any of them??
zwfYes, I've seen the new 2 mysteries. BTW, how can I miss my fav. tv serial?
How to watch the video
I want to watch these episodes through videos. How can i . These are not available on YouTube also
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